Frequently Asked Questions
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- What must a paraprofessional have in order to be a teaching assistant in an Oklahoma Title I school?
- Are the requirements for a special education classroom paraprofessional different than the requirements for Title I classroom paraprofessionals?
- May I apply for some kind of credential to show that I am a paraprofessional?
- When does a Title I Paraprofessional Credential expire?
47. What must a paraprofessional have in order to be a teaching assistant in an Oklahoma Title I school?
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires paraprofessionals (teaching assistants) who are employed in Title I schools to meet federal requirements. Those requirements are:
- Have a high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) diploma
Option A: Hold an associate’s degree (or higher)
Option B: Completed at least two years (48 credit hours) of study at an institution of higher education
Option C: Passed the Oklahoma General Education (OGET) Test. (The state agency with authority and responsibility for administering the OGET is the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation)
Option D: Pass the Praxis ParaProfessional Assessment Test – Passing score is 455.
48. Are the requirements for a special education classroom paraprofessional different than the requirements for Title I classroom paraprofessionals?
Yes. In addition to the requirements listed in the question above, a special education paraprofessional has to meet the following:
- Complete Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training (9 modules).
- Complete and maintain training and skills in Cardiovascular Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid.
- Complete training in Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens Training.
- Complete an additional 6 hours of professional development and Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens each school year thereafter.
For more information contact Special Education Services, Oklahoma State Department of Education, at (405) 522-3248
49. May I apply for some kind of credential to show that I am a paraprofessional?
Oklahoma teaching assistants may apply to the Teacher Certification Section, Oklahoma State Department of Education for a Title I Paraprofessional Credential by submitting the following:
- Fingerprint cards and the $59 fee for a criminal history record search or, for faster and more accurate results, you may have your fingerprints laser-scanned at the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), Room 212, 2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for a $59 processing fee. Fingerprints are scanned at the OSDE between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. For additional information refer to Fingerprint Information.
- Verification of having met Option A, B, C, or D listed in question 47.
- Application for Oklahoma Title I Paraprofessional Credential. Contact Teacher Certification at (405) 521-3337 to obtain the application.
- $10 processing fee (check, cashier’s check or money order) made payable to the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
50. When does a Title I Paraprofessional Credential expire?
A Title I Paraprofessional Credential is valid for life.